[hcode_content_block hcode_block_premade_style=”block-3″ hcode_block_preview_image=”block-3″ hcode_block_title_color=”#ffffff” hcode_block_title=”Trizic was conceived with a goal of helping the wealth industry prepare for, and implement, digital wealth solutions.”][/hcode_content_block]
[hcode_tab_content hcode_tab_content_premade_style=”tab-content4″ hcode_tab_content_preview_image=”tab-content4″]White labeled and enterprise class from the start, Trizic sought to enable, not compete, with our advisor and enterprise customer base. While other companies tried to replace wealth managers with investor-direct robo solutions, Trizic recognized that wealth advisors were critical to successful financial outcomes for their clients. Trizic works closely with advisors, banks, credit unions, broker dealers, and asset managers to leverage technology that supports and enhances a wealth manager’s ability to deliver meaningful results for their clients.[/hcode_tab_content]
[hcode_content_block hcode_block_premade_style=”block-15″ hcode_block_title=”Leadership”][/hcode_content_block]
[hcode_team_member hcode_team_member_premade_style=”team-style-5″ hcode_team_member_preview_image=”team-style-5″ hcode_team_member_separator=”1″ hcode_team_member_image=”17818″ hcode_team_member_title=”Drew Sievers, CEO”]Drew drives Trizic’s vision to help the wealth industry prepare for and implement digital wealth solutions. Prior to Trizic, Drew was Co-Founder & CEO at mFoundry where he helped revolutionize customer access in the banking industry via mobile banking and payment technologies. As CEO, Drew led the company to an industry leadership position with more than 1,000 bank and credit union clients, before selling the company to FIS Global. Drew also serves as General Partner at early stage fintech investor, Operative Capital.[/hcode_team_member]
[hcode_team_member hcode_team_member_premade_style=”team-style-5″ hcode_team_member_preview_image=”team-style-5″ hcode_team_member_separator=”1″ hcode_team_member_image=”17819″ hcode_team_member_title=”Iain Kennedy, COO”]Iain leads Trizic’s product and delivery organization in building a platform that is revolutionizing digital wealth management. Before Trizic, Iain was the client services and delivery director for mFoundry, where Iain was responsible for the definition, delivery, and ongoing support of the company’s mobile banking and payments solution. Iain also lead implementation and delivery of financial planning solutions at investment fund firm Phoenix American, as well as Smith Barney/Citigroup.[/hcode_team_member]
[hcode_team_member hcode_team_member_premade_style=”team-style-5″ hcode_team_member_preview_image=”team-style-5″ hcode_team_member_separator=”1″ hcode_team_member_image=”17820″ hcode_team_member_title=”Steve Mays, CTO”]Steve is the technical visionary responsible for architecting and building the industry’s only enterprise class digital wealth solution. Before Trizic, Steve was co-founder of Message Bus, Gloss.com, X2 Technologies. He’s led departments and key initiatives for: Verifi, Veritrans, Edmunds, ILM, McKesson, Orbitz, Twitter, Kaiser, Shell.[/hcode_team_member]
[hcode_team_member hcode_team_member_premade_style=”team-style-5″ hcode_team_member_preview_image=”team-style-5″ hcode_team_member_separator=”1″ hcode_team_member_image=”18325″ hcode_team_member_title=”Steve Lewczyk, CRO”]Steve is the engine behind Trizic’s sales and business development growth. Before Trizic, Steve was Co-Founder at Nirvana Solutions, a cloud-based portfolio management solution for hedge funds, fund administrators, and other wealth management platforms. Steve was also VP in Corporate Development, and a General Manager for ACD at Advent Software. Before Advent, Steve was a Divisional Vice President at Fidelity Investments.[/hcode_team_member]

We’d love a chance to show you what Trizic can do.

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